
Similar to inspect module. Contains only function call inspect utilities

call_args Get function call arguments as a single dict
chicken_turtle_util.inspect.call_args(f, args=(), kwargs={})[source]

Get function call arguments as a single dict


f : function

The function of the function call

args : iterable(any)

Arguments of the function call

kwargs : {str => any}

Keyword arguments of the function call


{arg_name :: str => arg_value :: any}

Dict of arguments including args, kwargs and any missing optional arguments of f.


>>> def f(a=1, *my_args, k=None, **kwargs):
...     pass
>>> call_args(f)
{'a': 1, 'k': None, '*args': ()}
>>> call_args(f, [3])
{'a': 3, 'k': None, '*args': ()}
>>> call_args(f, [3], dict(k='some'))
{'a': 3, 'k': 'some', '*args': ()}
>>> call_args(f, [3, 4])
{'a': 3, 'k': None, '*args': (4,)}
>>> call_args(f, dict(other='some'))
{'a': 1, 'k': None, 'other': 'some', '*args': ()}
>>> def g():
...     pass
>>> call_args(g)