Welcome to Chicken Turtle Util’s documentation!

Chicken Turtle Util (CTU) is a Python utility library.

The API reference starts with an overview of all the features and then gets down to the nitty gritty details of each of them. Most of the reference provides examples. For a full overview of features see the module contents overview of the API reference and the table of contents of the user guide (in the sidebar) as they are complementary.

The API reference makes heavy use of a type language; for example, to describe exactly what arguments can be passed to a function.

Dependencies are grouped by module. For example, when using chicken_turtle_util.data_frame, you should pip install 'chicken_turtle_util[data_frame]'. To install dependencies of all modules, use pip install 'chicken_turtle_util[all]'. If you are not familiar with pip, see pip’s quickstart guide.

While all features are documented and tested, the API is changed frequently. When doing so, the major version is bumped and a changelog is kept to help upgrade. Fixes will not be backported. It is recommended to pin the major version in your setup.py, e.g. for 2.x.y:

install_requires = ['chicken_turtle_util==2.*', ...]

If you see something you like but need long term stability (e.g. if low maintenance cost is required), request to have it moved to a stable library (one with fewer major releases) by opening an issue.


Indices and tables