Developer documentation

Documentation for developers/contributors of Chicken Turtle Util.

The project is structured according simple project structure, please read its documentation, it contains release checklists, etc.

Coding guidelines

  • Docstrings must follow NumPy style.
  • Use the type language when referring to a type, e.g. in the Parameters section.
  • When using someone else’s code or idea, give credit in a comment in the source file, not in the documentation.

Commit checklist

Do not forget any of these steps before committing:

  • Tests adjusted to match what you changed (preferably test-driven)
  • API has docstrings and guidelines are followed
  • docs/api_reference.rst updated
  • docs/api/... updated

Project decisions

API design

If it’s a path, expect a pathlib.Path, not a str.

If extending a module from another project, e.g. pandas, use the same name as the module. While a from pandas import * would allow the user to access functions of the real pandas module through the extended module, we have no control over additions to the real pandas, which could lead to name clashes later on, so don’t.

Decorators and context managers should not be provided directly but should be returned by a function. This avoids confusion over whether or not parentheses should be used @f vs @f(), and parameters can easily be added in the future.

If a module is a collection of instances of something, give it a plural name, else make it singular. E.g. exceptions for a collection of Exception classes, but function for a set of related functions operating on functions.

API implementation

Do not prefix imports with underscore. When importing things, they also are exported, but help or Sphinx documentation will not include them and thus a user should realise they should not be used. E.g. import numpy as np in can be accessed with, but it isn’t mentioned in help(module) or Sphinx documentation.